Makeup And Eye Shape

What is the shape of your eyes? As they are located on the face? Relate you make your eyes with these parameters?

Makeup And Eye Shape
Makeup And Eye Shape

If yes, then you are doing the right thing your makeup, if not, see our special material - especially eye makeup depending on the shape and position of the eyes.

Literate makeup can correct or emphasize the shape and size of any eye, so any woman, it is important to learn the rules applying makeup for the eyes, depending on their features.

For example, to make more small eyes can be using light shades of shadows, if you put them on the entire eyelid from lash line to brow. At the crease of the upper eyelid and then apply the shadow middle tones. 

From about mid-century swipe arrow to the outside corner of the eye, and spend a pencil directly on the lash line. Clear up the area under the eyebrow using lighter shades. Adjust the shape of eyebrows: what they are thinner and sleeker, the more will open your eyes.

If your eyes are too close to the nose , 

use lighter shades of colored shadows on the inner corner of the eye to the middle of the century. From the mid-apply midtone shade to the outer corner of the eye.Slightly lighten the inner corner of the shadows and nakraste upper lashes. Lower lashes, it is desirable to paint only closer to the outer corner of the eye.

If the eyes are planted too widely , 

first apply midtone shade as a base for the entire area of the century up to the eyebrows. Then touch up the interior angles of the upper and lower eyelid shades darker shade. Lightly shade shades towards the outer corner of the eye, narrowing to the bottom line of eyelashes.Nakraste eyelashes mascara, carefully paint over the central part.

As a base for make-up deep-set eyes , 

use light shades of shadows. Middle tone to highlight the line above the crease of the upper eyelid. Focus on the inside of the eye. Do not apply when an arrow deep-set eyes, but if you are accustomed to wearing them, spend a very thin line right at the lash line. Nakraste upper and lower lashes.

If you have a round-shaped eyes , 

first apply a light shade of shadow from lash line to brow.Crease of the upper eyelid to shade darker color, and apply a dark shadow on the upper eyelid at the lash line. Nakraste lashes, carefully paint over the outer part of the eye.

If your eyes are swollen appearance , 

the basic tone of the shadows should be applied to the inside of the century. Dark shadows emphasize the upper fold and arrow "draw" around the upper eyelid at the lash line. In no case do not stress arrows lower eyelid! Also, do not paint the lower lashes mascara, but the top need to paint very well.

Drooping eyelids 

can be corrected as follows. In the middle of the upper eyelid applied shade light shade. Dark shadows hide drooping of the eyelid, and emphasis is placed under the inner side of the eyebrow. Arrows better not to, since they only accentuate the problem area.

If you have omitted the outer corners of the eyes , 

start with makeup prorisovyvaniya direction from the inner part of the eye to the middle of the century, the line should be gradually tapered off.Also, use a pencil on the lower eyelid. 

Medium tone shadow applied all over the upper eyelid, and a dark color highlight the crease. Blend the arrow, but so that the shadows and pencil to "accumulate" on the outer corner of the eye. Ink paint only the upper eyelashes.

Give a fresh look to the eyes of women of mature age helps a makeover. As a base for the entire eyelid plot the average tone of Shadows (preference should be given shadows creamy texture). Draw a line on the base of the eyelashes, making it thicker toward the outer part of the eye. Touch up the upper lashes mascara.