Red Lipstick Makeup

Red lipstick is relevant at all times. It emphasizes the individuality of women, giving it a certain status.Now red lipstick can be selected for any occasion - and for the office, and for a romantic date, and for publication. The main thing - to determine the appropriate shade of red.

Today we'll show you how to pick a shade of red lipstick and how to make a quality makeup with red lipstick.

Red lipstick makeup
Red lipstick makeup 

The first thing you have to do - to define your tsvetotip. This, incidentally, will help you not only choose a lipstick, but also clothing, accessories, because you will know the color scheme that emphasizes the color of your skin and hair.

Red lipstick for spring or autumn.

Red lipstick makeup
Red lipstick makeup
Tsvetotip spring and autumn feel warm. These people face skin color beige with bronze or golden tinge, or, alternatively, dark. Hair color Brown, wheat and honey, ginger or light brown with a golden hue.

Choosing lipstick, pay attention to red color with warm colors and transparent, soft texture. This coral, brick, carrot, cognac, Rowan and terracotta shades of red.

Red lipstick for summer or winter.

Red lipstick makeup
Red lipstick makeup
This direction is considered cold. Pale skin, we can say even porcelain-white, or a shade of olive. Hair mostly light brown, dark brown or black Yixing (raven).

Preferred classic wine and cherry hues as well as raspberry, cherry, purple, blood-red and fuchsia.

Features makeup with red lipstick

Red lipstick makeup
Red lipstick makeup
First, remember that red lipstick - the Queen on your face. It does not tolerate the court. This means that the rest of the make-up near the red lipstick to be dim, hardly noticeable . The eyes in this case only slightly emphasizes using pastel matte shadows and pencils for the upper eyelid.

Second, the red lipstick makes others closely pay attention to the whole face, so all flaws will be noted.Hence red lipstick perfectly aligned requires skin. Before you start to do make-up lips with red lipstick , you need to apply foundation and powder face. So red lipstick will look perfectly and smoothly on your lips.

How to do makeup with red lipstick

  • Remove from the surface roughness of the lips, using a scrub.
  • Apply balm in a couple of minutes, blot lips with a paper napkin.
  • Apply tonal base and then lightly powder the lips, so lipstick will stay longer on your lips.
  • Circle the contour of the lips with a pencil in tone lipstick.
  • Shade pencil lip surface.
  • Apply lipstick with a brush.
  • Blot lips with tissue paper, so you remove the excess lipstick and "fix" her on the lips.
  • Once again powder the lips, especially paying attention to the corners of the lips (lipstick that is where most of spreads).
  • Apply a final coat of lipstick with a brush.

Red lipstick and external image

Red lipstick makeup
Red lipstick makeup
An important point - if you decide to make red lips make-up, then take care and externally. Otherwise, you can get lost in the background of red lipstick, and those around you do not understand, will think what it must be ... And the other way around - red lips should only emphasize your beauty and sense of style.

Classic and win-win situation - a little black dress and simple hairstyles. Also, red lipstick can support red manicure. Then you just wake up to par.