Types of Hair Removal - Which One is Better

What is the best hair removal - analyze the types of hair removal, look, what kind of better and more efficient
Types of Hair Removal - Which One is Better

The elimination of "extra" body hair - a problem of any modern woman who wants her skin to look smooth, soft and attractive. 

Come to the aid hair removal, hair removal but what better which of its many forms more efficient and low-impact? 

Let's talk about each form of hair removal separately, consider the pros and cons to each of us was able to choose one way to deal with excess hair, which considers maximum comfort and safety for themselves.


Most often, when asked what type of hair removal better woman called electrolysis, but is it? 

We know that electrolysis allows the hair follicle to destroy the influence of an electric current. For this purpose, various methods can be used, respectively, and the electrolysis is divided into several varieties. 

Galvanic hair removal (electrolysis) is based on the combined action of chemicals and current; short-wave method (thermolysis) allows to destroy bulbs by heating; Flash instant method is thermolysis; Blend-method (double action) combines elements of galvanic and thermolysis. 

A common feature of all of the above methods of electrolysis, as the ability to "kill" the hair follicle and thus to provide the long-term effect. Thus, according to their performance, this type of hair removal really the best homegrown numerous methods. 

However, electrolysis is very painful, can cause swelling and allergies, so its impact should be sure to check first on a small area of skin. In addition, it is contraindicated in varicose veins, pregnancy, diabetes, high blood pressure, and if you are hypersensitive.

Laser hair removal

Laser hair removal as a kind of destroys the hair follicles by heating them with a laser. 

This technique also provides a long-term hair removal, up to several years, but it has a huge "reef" - this type of hair removal demonstrates the high efficiency only on dark hair. 

On the bright hair this type of hair removal does not work well. In addition, it is necessary to comply with significant time intervals between treatments, when to remove the hair by the root can not.


Another method of hair removal - epilation - leads to the destruction of the hair follicle by heating a special light beam. 

Laser hair removal does not cause severe pain and is carried out fairly quickly, but then it may be red spots and swelling on the skin, which, however, quite rapidly. 

epilation as a form of hair removal is superior to ultrasound technique that can get rid of the hair of any color, although also it will have to go far from one session. But for 4-6 years, you can forget about the problem of hair removal on the treated area.

Ultrasonic Hair Removal

Ultrasound appearance of hair removal is built on a combination of a special gel and ultrasound. 

The absence of pain and speed of a session seduce many women, but also disadvantages in this type of hair removal is very important. 

Firstly, ultrasonic hair removal does not destroy the hair follicles, but slows their growth significantly. 

Second, the procedures should be several, at least 3-4, and you will have to withstand considerable interval between them (about 45 days), so enjoy the full effect of the ultrasonic hair removal will not soon. 

And thirdly, the ultrasonic hair removal precedes painful waxingand after ultrasonic epilation can be damaging to the skin, since ultrasound is not only adversely affects the hair follicles, but also the cells of the skin.

Enzyme epilation

The destruction of the bulbs by introducing them to certain drugs (enzymes) is called enzyme epilation. 

Its effectiveness can be assessed after the first session, when you notice a significant lightening and thinning hair. 

This type of hair follicles of hair removal are not deleted, but the hair will become softer and less noticeable. Another thing that will have to spend sessions very often, and for facial hair removal hair removal enzyme does not fit.

As you can see, all kinds of hair removal have their pros and cons, so before their conduct is to consult with your dermatologist.