Diets ban

Abroad is gaining momentum ... struggle with diets. 

Why Western doctors oppose harsh restrictions on food?

Are diets do not help to cope with the extra weight?

Dietary obesity Australian doctors are sure that diets do not help. Back in 2005, Australia launched an advertising campaign urging people not to sit on a short-term diet. It was the first such action in the world. It had spent $ 300 thousand. It supported the Australian Medical Association, and personally oversaw the Health Minister Bronwyn Pike. 

At first glance, such a campaign is rapidly gaining weight in Australia - more than a strange phenomenon. When the country of obese 67% of men and 52% of women, to persuade them not to lose weight, at least, unwise. But the paradox is precisely that diet alone increased the number of plump Australians. Restrictions in the diet was too hard, people could not stand it, frustrated and very quickly gained weight. 

As a result, the rate of obesity has grown - and so was born the decision to put a ban on the diet. now passions around food restrictions in Australia died down a bit. But almost every week in the newspapers appear materials, urging people not to count calories and do not limit yourself to carbohydrates. interesting article was, for example, recently published in the Australian «Daily telegraph». 

It states that the strict diet will not accelerate and slow down weight loss. And make us fatter because our bodies are forced to deal with hunger. At first, they are, but then due to lack of energy metabolism slows down, and burn excess fat does not work. Because of this, we stop dieting - and the pounds come back. With twice the speed.

Frustrated, we again takes to lose weight - and everything is repeated. As a result, the cause of excess weight becomes not some disease or disorder, and ... our love for diets. Typical return on the return of weight after dieting anxiously say doctors worldwide. 

Interesting information has recently appeared in the British newspaper «Daily mail». The article highlights the major study, though not in England but in the United States, at the University of California. It was attended by thousands of people losing weight. 

The results are curious. American scientists have calculated that the average dieter is often a woman in his life and picking up again resets about 162 kilograms. And for every ten pounds lost, representing 15 dialed. And this return is difficult to prevent. American researcher, Dr. Tracy Mann notes that many people on a diet to lose 5 to 10% of their initial body weight. 

But the happiest period does not last long: zhirok quickly reappears. In this case, 2.3 hudevshih 4-5 years gaining more than they lost. partly the cause is the absence Business Plan any thought-out plan. People often begin to limit yourself to food, finding this or that diet in the popular book or on the Internet. And it does not reflect on the impact of any such restrictions on the body, nor about how to eat after weight loss. 

By the way, the most popular systems of weight loss - at least in the United States - have been low-carb diet, protein Atkins diet and nutrition on the glycemic index. Heart and immunity And think about the consequences should be. 

In the scientific journal «American Psychologist» was recently published study, the conclusion of which is not encouraging. Dieters people can do real harm to your health. If our weight is reduced, then increased to no good it will not. Research has shown that frequent fluctuations in body weight increases the risk of heart disease, including heart attacks. 

The so-called yo-yo effect is also associated with stroke and development of diabetes. Besides regular diet undermines the immune system and make the body more vulnerable to infections. 

Such a result can be called truly paradoxical. Previously, the main risk factor for heart disease and diabetes was considered obese. People are encouraged to lose weight, come what may.

Now it turned out that "in that no matter what" does not work. To get rid of excess weight to the mind, diets should not be abused. Not accidentally Dr. Tracey Mann in the above mentioned interview «Daily mail» said: "We came to the conclusion that it would be better people and do not take the diet. In this case, their weight would not change so much, but their bodies do not wear out from frequent changes to body weight. 

Positive effects of diets are too small, and their potential harm is too great to recommend them as a safe and effective way to combat obesity. " Boring food There is another reason why diets from should be abandoned. Foreign scientists believe that frequent and unsuccessful attempts to lose weight is not the best way affect the psychological state of people. 

Losing weight is given to them is not easy, and the next stall and all drives into a depression, causing irritation. And thus on the vine kill any desire to somehow fight against overweight. , writes Australian «Melbourne Herald Sun». 

The material is devoted to a study conducted at Monash University. Researchers found that the diet as a whole are useless because their creators did not take into account one important thing. Most people who have excess weight, say 50-80% do not eat because of hunger, but out of habit or something to do. And this can not limit yourself. 

Why the diet should help? 

Their irrelevance even more obvious when one considers other results obtained during the study. It turns out that one in three believes slimming diet "unrealistic, too expensive and boring." And with such thoughts few people manage to lose weight. 

However, to lose weight and do not need to - at least, through diet. This is the conclusion reached by scientists for a long time in Britain, the USA and Australia in particular. Not so long ago in the same «Daily telegraph» came another article dedicated to the fight against obesity. It offer ... people do not notice its fullness. 

This idea came to Australia from Germany. Not so long ago, German scientists came to a startling conclusion. The best way to fight obesity - the denial of its existence. No, do not turn a blind eye to the fact that you are overweight. Just instead of periodically sit on diets, struggling with excess weight, you need to learn to do the right way of life. As far as possible to engage in fitness, eat more vegetables and fruits, in time to go to bed. And most importantly, do not focus on food and weight loss, and on their own well-being, health. Only in this case, according to scientists, it will be possible to lose weight. And any restrictions will be perceived as fun. 

And what do we have? 

Reasons PhD, dietitian capital Clinics Medical Nutrition Alfred Ravilevich Bogdanov. - It has long been clear that diet - not the best way to lose weight, or to cope with a particular disease . On the contrary, the doctors even hampered by the fact that people periodically "sit" on buckwheat or yogurt. Because of this a year or two to us on reception not just stout people - "bread and water" they are gaining too much. 

Return weight, increase the amount of fat, metabolism, immune problems - we encounter this at least our foreign colleagues. That is why their patients, we are not talking about diets, and about proper nutrition and healthy lifestyles. Diet, of course, have not gone away - they were to treat people with certain medical conditions, such as diabetes.

There is another difficulty. On strict diets we often sit down people whose weight is normal. They want to be in accordance with 90-60-90 or dream of wearing clothes is not the 46th, and the 44th resolution. As a result, cause a progressive obesity. 

And stop the "offensive" extra pounds then it is not easy. I'm dieting soon thing of the past. Future - for normal, balanced diet, which need not stick from time to time, and all my life. It sounds scary, but nothing complicated in that there is no menu. 

After all, it is chosen individually for each person. Taking into account his or her habits, mode, way of life. This "eternal diet" is much easier to observe. This is evidenced by our substantial experience. The selection of individual diet after a special examination, we have been dealing with for many years.