Gym Instead of Plastic Surgery

Which is easier: to make plastic surgery once or every day to work on the harmony of shapes and beauty of the skin? 

Ian Laputina, wife and daughter of Plastic Surgeons, found your own answer to this question. Today, television presenter and writer shares her beauty secrets with our readers. 

Gym Instead of Plastic Surgery
Gym Instead of Plastic Surgery

- Knowing the world of plastic surgery "inside" as you treat aesthetic surgery?

- Objectively. Plastic - is primarily surgery, for which need clear indications. If a person really need something a change, quite irreproachable resort to the help of a surgeon.

For example, you exercise, diet control, and on my knees still remain fat "rolls" and you do not like it. In this case, you can silently suffer from complexes, and can make a small step and forget about the problem.

For such a solution requires a clear understanding of what you need. You can not go on plastic, on impulse. Perseverance, consider all the details of this step. Then the result will not disappoint.

I am often asked for advice: to do or not to do the operation? There were instances when I was actively discouraged from interfering girlfriends. But sometimes, as hinted at such a decision, if I was asked leading questions.

- And for yourself, you can assume probability of plastic surgery?

- If there was ever to be objective evidence of this, I will go without hesitation. But as long as I work hard to keep yourself in shape, take care of your skin. Due to this need for a plastic can not see. 

I think that one of the main secrets of beauty - the regularity and persistence. Do not need to perform the feat, but without the daily laborious work on yourself can not do.

- What is your daily ritual facials?

- Every morning starts with the obligatory washing with ice. This is the best way to quickly make a person a fresh and, if necessary, to remove traces of lack of sleep. Then, wipe the skin with a lotion.

If the front of the shooting, then massaged put on face nourishing cream. It makes the skin soft and allows it to better cope with daily congestion.

If, however, be an ordinary day, use your favorite cream Hydramax by Chanel. For me it is the best skin care of all that is on the market today. Once a week, use scrubs. 

- How do you choose makeup - trying new items or tend to trust means tested?

- I am extremely conservative in everything, including cosmetics. Hard to convince me to try new brands and facilities. Fortunately known manufacturing companies often send me a sample of their work. So I'm aware of all the cosmetic innovations.

Recently, for example, discovered a means of Top Secrets from the Yves Saint-Laurent. In one jar - night cream and lip balm. They say that models like to put it after the long shots, the skin over night rest from makeup. Having tried, I really saw a noticeable effect, and now I use this cream all the time.

- What do you think salon treatments irreplaceable?

- Periodically doing mechanical cleaning of the face. For me it is the best way to fully and permanently clear skin.

If we talk about the body, then I can not imagine life without massage. Go through the full course every six months. But the most important investment in the beauty of my body - an annual subscription to buy a sports club.

- What else helps you to keep yourself in shape?

- Only a proper diet and regular sport. This is the right balance. Any diet is finite, and when it is done you return all those pounds. Any unnatural diet - a road to nowhere.

Much more effective once and for all to develop a system that is right for you. I try to eat small portions, do focus on complete proteins and restricts carbohydrates. Sometimes, of course, really want to eat a bowl of your favorite fried potatoes with bacon. But we have to restrain myself. If we take the liberty of culinary excesses, then later more carefully watch their weight. And, if necessary, immediately arrange fasting days - for example, on yogurt.

But all this "works" only at constant physical exertion. At the same about some sverhrekordah question. I am convinced that sport need to deal with moderation. Most of all I love walking on the simulator. Raise insane loads - not my option.

And another little secret: fitness should be fun.

Checked: the better the mood - the more effective training and more beautiful figure.