Lose Weight Forever

Where do you need to start the path to harmony, so you do not pay health for a beautiful figure? 

How to get rid of the hated fat deposits that are resistant to any diet or grueling workout? 

We learned all about proper fight against obesity and new proposals for slimming ladies. 

Says MD, gynecologist, endocrinologist, a specialist in weight loss, head of European Clinics Dorin A. Muntean. 

Lose Weight Forever

 How to lose weight from a medical point of view?

 - First need to understand what the cause of the excess weight. If it is the result of poor nutrition, physical inactivity, or due to a genetic predisposition that is one thing. It's quite another if the culprit became ill health. That is why "the struggle for the figure" must begin with consultation with an endocrinologist to rule out hormonal problems

 - such as the disruption of the ovary, pancreas, thyroid glands and other organs. Moreover, some diseases of internal organs provoke hidden edema. And before you start a "deal" with the excess weight, you need to figure out the cause of fluid retention in the body and fix it. If health is all right, you can proceed to the next step, 

Which aims - to determine the amount of excess adipose tissue. 

To do this, you need to know the overall percentage of body fat and measure the thickness of subcutaneous fat. Fat is pretty easy, but at the same volume. Judge for yourself: one kilogram of fat takes up a volume two and a half liters. It is clear that reducing the amount of adipose tissue, can significantly lose in volume with changes in weight may be small.

 What you need to do to "leave" it is fat? 

- Let's start with the fact that the fat tissue in our body has a different structure. Subcutaneous fat can be represented in the form of cells, within which are filled with fat cells.Visceral fat, which is under the muscle layer has a loose structure. surprisingly that affect these types of tissue needed differently. Internal "reserves" can be reduced by proper diet and adequate exercise. But body fat - more stable. Radically get rid of it with the help of liposuction, in which fat cells are simply removed from the body. 

 But there are techniques, when administered into the fatty tissue lipolitiki, "burn" fat? 

- Under the influence of drugs fat cell can "lose weight", but it is worth disrupt the food, and it will again take the previous volume. I must say that now there is a new technique that allows to radically remove the "extra" cells without resorting to surgery.

 At its core - the opening of specific proteins of the cell membrane aquaporins. This is a kind of channels through which water flows into the cells of our body.This process is strictly controlled. If the liquid goes up too much or too little, disturbed functioning of the cell, and it may be lost. discovery of aquaporins was very important for medicine, and now it is actively used in the development of new treatments for diseases. In cosmetology, it is the basis for the method lipotomii 

- Lipotomy AQP. Its essence is that the doctor by injection introduces the problem areas a special solution that can penetrate through the aquaporins into fat cells. The depth of his admission to the tissue is monitored by ultrasound. Fluid expands the cell membrane, which "burst" of tension. And any cell with damaged membrane body recognizes as the destruction that you want to display. To help him in this, apply a special massage. 

And what is the result? 

- After this procedure, the fat cells are not just "lose weight", and completely removed. The new cells are not formed - their number in the body is increased to 18-19 years, after which it remains stable throughout life. It turns out that a person loses weight exactly where needed, and the required number of centimeters. One procedure is usually sufficient to obtain a good effect. If body fat is very dense, making two sessions. 

Lipotomiya involves the introduction into the body of a solution. Is it safe? 

- An important point: during the procedure adipose tissue is introduced is not a cure, and a sterile solution, similar in composition to intracellular fluid of adipose cells. Therefore, the procedure is safe. Technique for more than five years is used in France, and now we can judge its long-term effects. Side effects it causes. But, of course, it has contraindications.Thus, it is impossible for lipotomiyu in diabetes with damage to the blood vessels of the kidneys or liver, as well as during pregnancy.

 When it comes to liposuction always made ​​a reservation that it does not help with cellulite. And as is the case with lipotomiey? 

- This procedure helps to cope with the "orange peel". It is important to understand that cellulite it's not just a cosmetic defect. This is a signal that some body systems work with infringements. As a result, toxins are not displayed, and accumulate in remote areas of vital organs.

 Fat cells swell, blood and lymph vessels are squeezed, there are congestion.It is also necessary to clarify the origin of the problem. If the whole thing in the wrong diet, lack of physical activity, it is necessary to adjust the way of life and make lipotomiyu. - The procedure involves reducing the volume of a few centimeters. 

What happens to the skin? 

- Volume decreases gradually.During the session, the patient loses 1-2 cm. Main reduction volumes - an average of from 6 to 12 cm - occurs over the next three months. This time is sufficient that the skin is well reduced. Immediately after the procedure, the patient wears a special suit or an elastic bandage. The first week it should be worn without removing. Then, during three weeks it should be worn in the morning and removed at night.Activity in this way is not limited to, marks on the body remains. 

It's hard to believe that you can lose weight effortlessly wearing a suit does not count. - Nobody says that after the procedure, you can lie on the couch and have a bun. Fat in those places where it was made ​​lipotomiya will not be back, but it may be delayed in other areas. 

In addition, we can only affect the subcutaneous fat, and there is also an internal, intra-muscular fat. Therefore, to save the result, will have to change their lifestyle. Starting rate of weight loss, it is important to immediately train yourself to eat properly and moderately. The diet should be balanced. 

We can not exclude entire food groups, you can not go hungry - it is harmful and ineffective. Eating should be a little every 2,5-3 hours. Big breaks between meals stimulate appetite, and you will be hard to control yourself. Very effective classical diet, developed by Soviet nutritionists.

 Are registered there are simple and clear rules: split meals, variety, clear mode. This will lose weight without disruption and harm to health, slowly but surely. moderately useful in physical activities. Women, if they want to have a slender figure, you should not "pump iron"

 - Muscles only add extra volume.

 It is important that the muscles were in good shape, and this push rod is not necessary. To have tightened figure and tight muscles, you can go swimming, yoga, pilates, walking or jogging. Three workouts a week will be enough to feel good and be in shape. 

Save the result achieved almost harder than losing weight.

Is there any secrets? 

Main guarantee of preserving the figure - is in good health and, in particular, the state of the endocrine system. Then even small violations of the food will be imperceptible. After all, a healthy body itself regulates body weight. Another thing, if the hormonal balance is disturbed.

 In this case, maintain a healthy weight is difficult. Therefore, check the function of the ovaries, thyroid and other endocrine organs need regularly. For women it is very important.

 For example, some problem with the ovaries appear as the accumulation of excess weight. In this case, the menstrual cycle can not be broken.organism always gives us signals about his troubles. If your lifestyle has not changed, but you have suddenly started to gain weight or have drastically increased appetite - contact your doctor, go through inspection. It will be much more useful than torture yourself with diets.