Weight Loss

Many overweight people are dreaming to lose weight and do unimaginable effort to achieve the "ideal" weight.

At the same time we must not forget that the process of losing weight should proceed under strict control, and rapid weight loss can be dangerous, because the metabolism does not have time to adapt to new conditions, and the body may fail. 

Weight Loss


Severe weight loss in a short time without any apparent reason is often a sign of illness. At the same time an urgent need to see a doctor and get tested. The reasons may be very different, both organic and mental problems.
Synonyms and similar terms

Weight Loss

The terms in the English language: Loss of weight
Brief description of the disease

The human body is 60% water, 17% from protein and 17% fat, and minerals and other elements. In women, the percentage of fat mass is slightly higher - up to 20-25%, and the muscular mass below. This is due to hormonal features.

Interesting fact: the year we eat up to 1 ton of products, and our weight remains approximately constant damage. This delicate balance is possible thanks to the coordinated work of all organs and systems of the body and is called homeostasis. These complex mechanisms are expressed in terms of hunger, thirst and satiety.

Sometimes regulation of satiety may be impaired. This occurs, for example, due to diseases of the digestive tract or wrong conscious or unconscious subjective perception and evaluation of satiety. If the body consumes more energy than it spends, it takes a set of body weight. If the nutrient supply is insufficient, the body "floats flow" previously accumulated reserves, and there is a loss of weight. The same thing happens in the case of higher loads, but in this case the main role played by structural changes. Body uses fat stores, increased muscle mass. In this case, weight increase can be observed, as the muscle is heavier than fat.

Conversely, insufficient nutrition, or increased metabolic body weight loss occurs. This decreases as fat and muscle mass, as muscle tissue is the repository of proteins and amino acids. Severe malnutrition, they can be converted into glucose, thus adding to its reserves in the body.

Most often, weight loss can be due to physiological and changes in diet or living habits. However, if the body weight decreases rapidly, in addition to human desires and without apparent reason, you should immediately consult a doctor to determine the cause.


1. Organic (somatic) Disease

Here are some of the diseases that can result in weight loss:

  • Infections of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Worm infestation
  • Chronic inflammatory bowel disease
  • Malabsorption (malabsorption), such as celiac disease (gluten intolerance)
  • Intolerance of certain foods (eg lactose intolerance)
  • Systemic diseases (heart failure, lung disease, kidney or liver)
  • Endocrine disorders (hyperthyroidism - hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus, diabetes insipidus due to a lack of antidiuretic hormone, adrenal insufficiency - Addison's disease)
  • Autoimmune processes (rheumatoid arthritis or rheumatism)
  • Chronic systemic infections (AIDS, tuberculosis)
  • Drug and other addictions (alcoholism, smoking and heroin addiction)
  • Neurological disorders (swallowing difficulties - dysphagia, neurodegenerative diseases)
  • Malignant tumors

2. Medicine.

  • Cardiac glycosides
  • Medicines used for the treatment of asthma

3. Mental Illness

  • Depression
  • Anorexia (anorexia nervosa)
  • Bulimia
  • Syndrome Borderlayna

How you can help yourself

Consult your doctor if during the two weeks you have lost more than 4 kg, or your weight is 15% less than the normal range (BMI - body mass index of 18 or below). Body mass index will approximately estimate the mass of the body, with normal weight BMI ranges from 18 to 25, it can be calculated independently by the formula: BMI = body weight in kg / (body height in cm) ².
expert help

Depending on your symptoms and the results of the conversation with the doctor you can refer to the following persons:

  • Gastroenterologist
  • Endocrinologist
  • Oncologist
  • Psychologist / Psychotherapist
  • Nutritionist

What to expect at a reception at the doctor

Before you begin any of the diagnostic procedure, the doctor will ask you about the details of all currently available and complaints in the past, as well as past illnesses.

You can expect the following questions:

  • Since when you have noticed the weight loss? Has the nature of weight loss over time (less strongly)?
  • Are there parallel with other symptoms, such as a feeling of weakness, diarrhea - diarrhea, fever, pain, vomiting, mood changes, loss of appetite, night sweats)?
  • What is your eating pattern?
  • Have you noticed in the past, these symptoms you or your family members?
  • Do you suffer from any illness (eg infection, diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, hereditary diseases, mental disorders)?
  • Do you take now any medications?
  • Do you have allergies? If so, what?
  • What is the nature of your work and the scope of your professional activity?

Examination (finding)

History, details collected during the first conversation with the doctor, allows you to set a presumptive diagnosis and determine further diagnostic measures in the right direction. Then the doctor will conduct a general survey of the physical status. Next will be measured by your weight. If you suspect a disease of the gastrointestinal tract doctor will focus on examination of the abdomen: gently palpate (palpate), explores the accumulation of air or painful areas. With a stethoscope listens to the doctor to determine the area of bowel sounds - the presence of peristalsis.

Blood test results are also valuable information on the state of the organism as a whole and its individual organs functions. 

Attention is drawn to the following indicators:

  • The total number of cell elements (erythrocyte / leukocyte)
  • Signs of infection
  • Signs of inflammation
  • The value of HbA1C - the so-called glycated "long-term" hemoglobin with suspected diabetes
  • Thyroid function tests
  • Indicators of liver and kidney
  • Stress hormone levels

Results of the study chair (for microbiological determination of pathogens) also play a role in the diagnosis with weight loss.

Specialist based on presumptive diagnosis will build further diagnostic measures. These include a thorough diagnosis:

  • Ultrasound of the stomach, intestines, gall bladder
  • Gastroscopy, colonoscopy with removal of tissue for research binocular with suspected inflammatory or neoplastic process
  • Targeted identification of food intolerances
  • Exception pylori gastric Helicobacter infection
  • X-ray examination
  • Test on autoimmune process

Treatment (Therapy)

The main goal of therapy - to stop further weight loss and regain a healthy body weight. The basis of treatment is the elimination of the causes that led to weight loss, that is, treatment of the underlying disease.

If the problem of weight loss caused by mental health problems, you must first obtain the patient's willingness to comply with the requirements and recommendations of the doctor. Patients with depression or eating disorders must first understand the painful nature of their problems and take care of the doctor. Especially long this process can take place in patients with anorexia nervosa and bulimia. 

They often do not need a psychoanalysis to identify the causes of their illness. In this case, it is effective cognitive and behavioral therapy. The process of returning the normal perception of his own body can last for several years, depending on the severity of the disease.

In the treatment of depression, patients must relearn how to enjoy a meal and receive from this pleasure and good mood.

If weight loss is based on physical illness (physical, physical), the therapy is directed to the treatment of this disease, your doctor will discuss the details with you its capabilities.

If you feel that your lifestyle does not allow you to eat right, try to find some time to listen to your feelings, to the feeling of hunger and satiety. In this meal should be a kind of rest, stress-free at this time to devote himself to his body. Listen to their needs and enjoy the moment.

Healthy Nutrition - Vitamins - Food

Eating, after all, not only a physiological process. It is associated with a sense of pleasure, gratitude and satisfaction. Observe the food culture. Unfortunately, there are a lot of temptations, such as a snack on the go in the subway fast food. In this case, a healthy sense of saturation is not reached, violated the above-described mechanisms of regulation and as a result - we eat more or less than is actually necessary.

With proper nutrition your body needs to get 1700-2000 calories a day, depending on the individual characteristics of metabolism, daily activity and hormonal parameters. Ideally, our diet consists of 60% carbohydrates, 15% protein and 20% fat, and fiber. 

If possible, choose products that contain so-called polysaccharides (long-chain carbohydrates starch), better wholemeal or whole grains instead of wheat buns. Proteins in foods should contain all the necessary amino acids in the correct proportions, especially essential.

Pay special attention to fats - fatty acids. Securities are unsaturated omega-3 - and omega - 6 fatty acid. They are found in fish, vegetable oils, cold pressed, nuts, avocados. Avoid solid fats found in butter, margarine, fatty meats and sausages. 

Also do not forget that the heating of the "good" fatty acids above 80ยบ changes their chemical structure, whereby they are "satisfied" and lead to increased levels of cholesterol in the blood, that is, increase the risk of atherosclerosis!

Ballast substances - are components of plants that are not digested and absorbed in the body. They play an important role in the regulation of peristalsis - the motor activity of the intestine and improve digestion.

And again a few words about the benefits of fruits and vegetables. They contain large amounts of vitamins, minerals and other elements.