Eight Types of Food For Weight Loss

Here to present you the best filling foods to keep you satisfied on your weight loss journey.

Eight Types of Food For Weight Loss

1. Apples:

An apple a day keeps the doctor away...and the raving munchies. Foods containing lots of water have more bulk and lower energy density, so you get more food for less kilojoules. And do we even need to mention the fibre?
Eight Types of Food For Weight Loss, Apples

2. Pulses:

Beans and lentils contain anti-nutrients which delay their absorption, so they make you feel full for longer, according to Dr Susanna Holt, lead researcher of the Sydney University study.
Eight Types of Food For Weight Loss, Pulses

3. Salad:

Salad adds bulk to a meal without filling you with kilojoules. Research has shown that people who eat salad at the start of a meal end up taking in fewer kilojoules all day than those who skip salad.
Eight Types of Food For Weight Loss, Salad

4. Soup:

Research from Pennsylvania State University found dieters who ate soup twice per day were more successful in losing weight and maintained, on average, a total weight loss of 7kg after one year. Chunky, broth-based soups, such as chicken and vegetable, are most filling.
Eight Types of Food For Weight Loss, Soup

5. Fish:

Your last piece of salmon sashimi may send you calling for pizza an hour after you finish, but cooked white fish is proven to keep you full. For best results, steam or grill a thick white fish, such as ling or barramundi.
Eight Types of Food For Weight Loss, Fish

6. Eggs:  

They've been called the "perfect protein," and a new study confirms protein's role in satiety. Researchers at the University of Washington found that people who eat a 30 per cent protein diet ate 1845 kilojoules less each day than those on a 15 per cent protein diet.
Eight Types of Food For Weight Loss, Eggs

7. Beef:

Packed with protein and micronutrients like iron and zinc, a little beef goes a long way. Partner your steak with a high-fibre side dish like wild rice or bulgur and you can close the kitchen after dinner.
Eight Types of Food For Weight Loss, Beef

8. Potatoes:

Back in 1995, researchers at the University of Sydney came up with the "Satiety Index", a way to determine how satisfied you feel after eating certain foods. Participants ate a 1000-kilojoule portion of 38 different types of food, then rated their satiety over two hours. 

Eight Types of Food For Weight Loss, Potatoes

Using that information, scientists put together a list of the best foods for keeping you full - and new research has proven them right time and time again. Make these tummy-toppers the staples on your next shopping list.

Curse carbs all you want, but boiled white potatoes kept participants in the study full for two hours after eating - three times longer than the average food. 

But beware: researchers were surprised to find that fatty fried potatoes like hot chips weren't as satisfying and didn't fare as well.