The Exchange Weight Loss

The new system of weight loss - without a strict diet and caloric restriction. Its cornerstone - the normalization of metabolism. 

How exactly does it work?

How exactly does it work?

- Obesity may be associated with metabolic disorders

it is known to many. What's new here, you can suggest?

- On the relationship between extra pounds and metabolic disorders known to do almost everything. But in practice, doctors have focused primarily on calorie intake. State of metabolism attracted their attention too late, when a person has already appeared health problems - diabetes type II diabetes or metabolic syndrome. And far from medicine townsfolk used metabolic problems as an excuse. Like, slow metabolism, so I was full.

This situation was seen and is still perceived as inevitable. Meanwhile, the metabolism can be influenced by protecting yourself and lose weight, and many diseases. And to make it not too difficult. The main thing - to know what features of metabolism in each individual.

Recently, it has become possible just because of the new system, developed in Russia. This software and analytical platform that allows us to estimate the metabolism. It is composed on the basis of research many scholars, both Russian and foreign. 

Their results are systematized, reduced to a common denominator. Due to this fact, a versatile and detailed analysis of the possibilities of our body. On the basis of these data is easy to give a person a recommendation to change the type of power needed to lose weight.

That is, the recommendations on how to speed up metabolism?

- In no case did not accelerate. I often hear that it is the best way to lose weight and well-being. But this view is mistaken, and that's why.

Representation of the processes in the body, most people wrong. Deciding to lose weight, many are beginning to "lean" on pineapples, coffee, citrus fruits. On the ability of these products to speed up metabolism is legendary, by the way, which have no scientific basis. As a result, there are distortions in the diet, because of which metabolism is not so much faster, much more disturbed. 

Can not lose weight at first, mainly due to caloric restriction. And then everything is back to normal: few can lifetime limit yourself to food. Only problem becomes even more - is now in the exchange have further failures.

But even if we imagine that the man was able to intelligently accelerate your metabolism, nothing good will come of it. Because of the speed of metabolic processes dependent duration of our lives.

Imagine a machine, which grind out the details. It is programmed to determine the rotation speed of rollers. Part of the machine raised and lowered well-defined number of times per minute. Now let's increase

tempo - what will happen? Did you make more detail, but will be able to work for long. Izotrutsya of the machine, will be ruined.

The same thing happens in our body. Increasing the rate of metabolism, we force authorities to work harder. They will "wear out". And the health of speech does not go.

Therefore, seek not worth to accelerate and to normalize metabolism. Necessary to correct the shortcomings that exist in people who are overweight.

What for example?

- The most prominent failures in metabolism related to the work of the thyroid gland, impaired glucose uptake, with misuse of body fat. But beyond that there are hundreds of small "problemok", which may eventually lead to the completeness or disease. And each person they own.

Associated metabolic disruptions not only to heredity. Basically, they are caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, which many now are. Lack of sleep, poor diet, stress, poor environment - all these external factors are very important. Therefore, to influence them, much can be corrected.

Where to start?

- The first thing that is needed - to determine what a person's metabolism. It is of several types, each of which is associated with a specific outline shape. It is no coincidence in some women fat is deposited on the hips, while others - at the waist, the third - in the area of ​​the shoulders. This is a result of hormonal imbalance and other communications.

Not worth the effort to have nabivshemu nauseam psevdoidealu - 90h60h90. Flawless figure is the one with which you might not live successfully in an office chair, and in nature: to produce food, to move quickly, to continue his race. This is possible with a waist volume 60, and 70, or even 75 cm. However, this width is somehow connected with what type of metabolism you have.

Defining it, you can see the places where a person has extra inches, which would be nice to remove. Which - do not have enough muscle. And also - how many in the body of water and fat.

How to determine the type of exchange?

- To this end, a series of measurements carried out. Need to know the circumference of the neck, chest, waist, hips, legs, wrists. Determined by the length of the lower leg and forearm. Be sure to measure the size of fat and skin folds. In total, about 30 taken indicators. They need to determine what our body proportions endowed by nature.

Many have heard that people are divided into astenikov, normostenikov and hypersthenics. It's not quite a complete classification. Constitutional types can not allocate 3, 9 and detailed measurements make it possible to understand exactly which one is yours. Immediately, I note you can not change the type: it does not turn out hypersthenics astenik or vice versa. But within each type of figure can be improved.

In addition, to determine the type of exchange you should use a special test to identify the features of the vegetative status. Some of this information can be accessed by normal visual examination. The remaining calculations are performed using a special computer program. 

You can do this manually, but will take much more time. The computer will result in a few minutes. Once it becomes clear not only what your metabolic type, but also what options exist its correction. Determined your ideal body model.

- Well, the type we have identified. Such as how to influence it? Need some medicine?

- Dosage support is needed only if the metabolism is strongly disturbed. If the failure has not yet evolved into a disease, you need to eliminate them using the most common foods.

Do you mean that the metabolic need to go on a diet?

- Not exactly. During pohudatelnye diets primarily pay attention to the calorie foods. It does not improve the metabolism, but rather gives it.

A simple example. Woman wanted sweet, she could not stand the temptation and ate a chocolate bar. In one tile about 500 kcal. Now, if she does not want to get better, those calories it needs to be removed from their daily diet at the expense of the other dishes. For example, eat only half of lunch or dinner.

This is the standard pohudatelnye logic. What does it lead to? Due to the failure of the ordinary dishes lady wipe vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Accordingly, the body will not start all metabolic processes, but only part of them. And this is a failure. If it is repeated day after day, the weight will start to grow.

The same thing can happen if you do not eat after six in the evening - another standard dietary recommendation. Personally, I think that it is absurd in itself. Let's imagine that our forefathers - the primitive hunters and gatherers - dropped the case only to find food closer to the night. They'll be all plumped? Hardly.

Our metabolism is able to adapt to food intake at any time. Necessary for its digestion enzymes can be isolated and night and day. However, under one condition - that the food should be the body really needed. From it he should get that at the moment you need it for work.

If this condition is satisfied, the excess weight does not appear. But with the lack of the necessary food metabolism, on the contrary, would be suspended. Therefore, in the case of chocolate it would be necessary to do so. Of course, not very good at what you ate the whole tile. But no need to blame themselves - now you need to eat some more products to your metabolism is not measured and is not broken. Need not be configured on a diet, and suitable food.

How to define it Celes-shape?

- It is important to understand that calorie calories strife. If it is received by us from fat - the consequences for the organism to be alone. 

If sugar quite different. If the tomato - the third. In all these cases it will be a different place digestion and assimilation of food. Will involve different intestinal microflora and enzymes. Important not calories, namely the composition of the product. The types of components included therein.

When we have determined what a person's metabolism, we can say with great accuracy what products it will be useful. The biochemical composition of most of the dishes at this stage is known. Over the past decade, scientists have studied the properties of various food components. Not only the vitamins and minerals, but also bioactive substances, enzymes. We know a lot about what processes are started when they enter the body. On this basis, and you must be an individual correction menu.

Make it easier just based on all of the same computer program. It incorporated information about the properties of the products, so it is able to pick up the diet. More precisely, the computer just makes a person an "offer". In each product category, we show the extent of their "undesirable" or "utility" for you. However, foods can be everything! Man inherently omnivorous. Skewed towards the exotic, rare or expensive food, as a rule, does not happen.

In the first stage, which lasts about two weeks, selected about 120 different types of products. It is a lot, weekly diet most of us, so do not include. On the basis of them, and must build our menu.

It should be done so that the food gives you pleasure. Products can be combined or separated, as you wish. You can eat in the evening. But, of course, do not need to overeat. It is important to listen to your body - it's easier to understand which components needs metabolism.

How quickly noticeable results?

- If we are talking about losing weight, it will become evident in a few days. However, the entire process of normalization of weight may last for a longer period. Lose weight fast is bad. In addition, the metabolism needs time to readjust. Improvement of health, a sense of ease many say is already in the early days of the program.