10 New Tips On How To Paint Your Nails Perfectly

No one doubts that a successful manicure - is the perfect complement image. It can emphasize sexuality, hint of sensuality, to give the general style of elegance, femininity, and is also beneficial to present your personality.

Almost every woman knows how to paint your nails, and does so with great success.
Thanks to these tips you will be able to the usual procedure of coloring nails to give a special glamour.

1. Use Topcoat (terminating coverage):
This will help your nails look glossy and healthy . Such coverage is always attached to any kind of varnish expensive and exclusive. In addition, it extends the life of your manicure, refreshes, protects the paint from pre-destruction.
Just one piece of advice: before applying, make sure that the layer of varnish has dried. By the way, while haze also in vogue, and for this there are special matt Topcoats.

2. Glass nail files:
Nail care to a professional, it is necessary and tools to be used for good, modern and professional. For example, such as a glass (or ceramic) nail files.

It is this material provides gentle care, prevents cracking and splitting nails, ensures that there is no sharp corners. Glass nail files are also "work" much faster, it does not stick to dust and dirt.

3. Strengthening Nail Polish:
This is our secret weapon! Use it enough times in one week to nails from weak and brittle turned into healthy, and looked much better. Typically, this lacquer is sufficient to compensate for a deficiency of calcium or minimize weakness nail obtained by genetic line.
And if that does not work, make sure you need to see a doctor to determine the cause of the weakness of nails.

4. Several layers of varnish coloring:
Any varnish, even the most high quality and rich in color, still somewhat translucent. Therefore, to obtain a good right shade, you need to paint your nails with two or more layers of the ink varnish.
Only this will ensure the correct color. Last "squeak" in this case - the lower layer of varnish to choose slightly darker than the top, then it will be possible to achieve a particular color depth. 

5. Follow form:
this much neglected, with primary emphasis on color and design. But it is often said about the form of grooming and nail health. This season, the relevant short nails and outline - a mix of square and oval. Avoid long and pointed nails - it is not in vogue.

6. No hurry! :
If you like to frequently change the nail color and design, then you have to paint your nails almost daily. A busy girls have to leave this procedure in the morning and paint your nails just before leaving the house.
And often do not have time to completely dry nails. Here's a little secret: in order to reduce the time for drying nail polish, dip a hand with a ready manicure in very cold water, and can safely go out of the house.
7. Nails darkened or yellowed?
It happens, especially if you are fond of dark coats. Nails absorb a bit of color and look dull and dirty even after nail polish remover. Whiten nails easy. There are many ways,
but here is one very effective: make a mixture of warm water, vinegar and lemon juice, soak your nails in it and keep it for 10-15 minutes. This procedure will remove any remaining color or yellowness.

8: In the cold! :
Store your favorite nail polish in the refrigerator, it really will increase their service life. Heat makes varnishes thicker and deprives gloss, it can also affect the color change your varnish.
Therefore, the best storage conditions varnishes - it cold. Free for this shelf in your fridge, and your stock of paints you will always only please, and supplemented, because you'll be less likely to throw bottles with thickened content.

9. Irregularities nails:
What to do if your nails have a ribbed surface or any other irregularities and defects? There are special products for this. This so-called fillers, filling cracks and smooth the surface.
Put them on top of colored lacquer. And best of all, if the problem for you is strong, look for paints with such excipients in the formulation. In the photo - an example of such a varnish from Sephora.

10. Clean nails - pledge of excellent coverage:

sure to use nail polish remover to degrease the nail surface before varnishing. This procedure eliminates the grease and dirt.
Do this even if you are confident in the cleanliness of nails, after all, a small amount of the natural amount of sebum can damage the ideal coverage or reduce its service life.

Spring and Summer seasons give us a great new collection of lacquers and nail design ideas.
Should not abandon the experiments, is only a little more time and money to devote procedure staining nails, then the result is always predictable and enjoyable.