But few are willing to put up with a bulging belly. And rightly so: there is nothing that spoils the figure of the woman as the lack of a waist and a big belly.
Read the following article to know more about the Program of Action!!
Where did it come from?
- Excessive caloric food . Overeating and eating lots of desserts leads to excess calories that have nowhere to go, except that - in fat.
- Consumption of food containing harmful cholesterol . Typically, it is very much in the high-fat diet.
- Sedentary lifestyle. lack of movement does not allow burn calories that convert into fat.
- Stress and nervous tension. The expression "It's a bundle of nerves," as in any joke has some truth. Big belly is often the result of stress and a hectic day. If you are nervous, produces cortisol, which prevents fat loss.
- Indigestion. If you frequently experience constipation, toxins accumulate in the body. Your body starts to store fat around the waist and abdomen, to protect you from the effects of toxins.That is, the fat in the abdomen may signal a serious failure in the gastrointestinal tract.
Three steps on the way to a flat stomach
1. Purgation, getting rid of belly fat
We offer you a program of action, which consists of three main steps:
1. Intestinal cleansing , getting rid of belly fat - 1 th and 2 nd week.
2. Exercise - 3rd and 4th week.
3. Diet - 3rd and 4th week.
Consider each step in detail.
If the bowels can be relatively quickly, in order to get rid of fat - take a long time, regularity, patience and considerable effort.
Fat will go gradually, and the first results you will see in a few days after the start of a three-step program.
Cleansing can last from 1 day to 2 weeks. And there are several ways, each of which is preferably carried out after consultation with your doctor:
- Detox day or detox diet. Time is short? Then spend at least one day only on cleaning the dishes. This can be a day to smoothies , shakes, soups or vegetables.
At this time, discard the flour and sweet, then quickly see the effect. But effectively cleanse will use the cleaning of food and drinks for 2 weeks.
- Enema. This doubtful, at first glance, the method allows to lose weight, sometimes it can be a loss of up to 20 kg! The method is designed for 2-week course of cleansing enemas.
It is recommended to consume 30 grams per day of bran and be sure to drink plenty of water.
Once passed cleansing - go to physical activities aimed at the abdominal muscles. At the same time, it should comply with a certain diet, but more on that in paragraph 3 (below). Abdominal exercises should be done at least 2 weeks to see good results.
2. Exercises for Belly
Begin your practice with the hoop. exercises with hoop allow stomach muscles warm up, improve blood circulation and stimulate the metabolism. Next - proceed to abdominal exercises.
During a workout, follow the breath, and gradually increase the load.
Upon completion you should feel fatigue in the muscles and in general, it is better not to take care of yourself - then you will be pleased with the results accurately.
Repeat 30 times.
Everything is the same as in the previous exercise, but lifting the torso, alternately touch the right elbow of the left knee and left elbow - right knee.
- Exercise for the press. Starting position: lying on his back, arms and legs extended.Simultaneously lift the arms and legs straight, try to touch your toes brushes. Repeat at least 20 times.
- Exercise for the upper abdominal muscles. Starting position: lying on his back, hands behind his head, elbows - in different directions. Raise body 60 degrees and slowly return to its original position. Repeat until, until you feel fatigue in the upper part of the press.
- Do not overeat.
- Include more foods with fiber.
- Get rid of the foods and dishes that have a high concentration of calories and fat.
- The last meal should be later than 3 hours before bedtime.
- The good result split meals . This means that you need to eat frequently (up to 6 times a day) and small portions. It is important to have a sense of hunger, eat more vegetables and fruits, as well as daily drink at least 2 liters of water daily.
- Avoid drinking alcohol if you do not want to store fat in the abdomen. Because alcohol makes the digestive process unpredictable and uncontrollable.
- Supplements of fish oil to help burn fat.
If the time is not enough
if you do not have time to deal with a bulging tummy, do not stop and continue their efforts. Maybe you do not have enough, only a few days. And not to complexes on the beach - buy the right swimsuit, masking extra volume at the waist and abdomen.
Basic techniques that hide undesirable forms
- this drape and color accents. You will need a swimsuit that has a crease in the area of the abdomen. Another option
- the colors of color-blocking, which makes the figure generally slimmer (with side panels in contrasting color, or swimsuit separates at the waist). Dark and black, falling on his tummy - is also a good color scheme for you.