Dermatoniya - Massage For Health And Beauty

Who does not want to be the owner of the perfect appearance?

Unfortunately, on the way to her often have all sorts of obstacles in the form of a sudden appeared edema, cellulite, stretch marks, excess weight, which has lost elasticity of the skin, wrinkles. Cope with problems can help dermatoniya.

Dermatoniya - Massage For Health And Beauty

What is the meaning of Dermatonic?

Inventor of this method and apparatus is Skintonic Serge Karagozyan, French physiotherapist. A method is developed as early as 1991. Dermatonic philosophy is simple. Leather - it's not just a protective skin covering our body. This is - a body that works in unity with all our body.

According to her, as to open the book, you can read all the internal problems. Due to stress, malnutrition and other negative factors and the formation of zones dermalgii (derma - skin, algia - pain), ie painful areas in which the disruption of normal metabolic processes. They can be both large and tiny - the size of a small seal pinhead. Visible result of problems - cellulite, swelling, problems with skin tone. For treatment, a special method that combines several types of massage.

After dermatoni you notice a lot of positive changes . You have activated the metabolism and blood circulation, the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the beauty and youth of our skin, improve nutrition of tissues, leave toxins. The effect is noticeable after the first procedure, but it is recommended to spend at least 10 sessions (2-3 per week).

How it happens?

The procedure involved an apparatus with vacuum nozzles , which are different for the face and body. The amount of pressure is selected depending on the specific skin test, the fragility of blood vessels and individual experiences. The phone has two modes: constant suction and pulsating. 

Dermatoniya includes three steps:

• In the first stage vacuum reflexology massage. Acting on specific reflex areas in the areas in which violations can be seen, it is possible to improve the function of internal organs, ie contribute to the elimination of the underlying cause. The device thus operates in pulse mode. Pulse frequency must correspond to the natural heart rhythm. 

• Then comes the turn depressomassazha. It helps to fight cellulite, activates the lymphatic circulation, eliminates puffiness, restores skin elasticity, reduces the volume. This is a great tool to tighten the skin - for example, if you lost weight dramatically.

• At the last stage of a depressodrenazh. Special moves beautician leads lymph to move in the direction of the lymph nodes. In this case, the body cleans and fat, has broken vacuum. 

Dermatoniya shows you if:

• Any part of the body began to swell badly.

• You have any cellulite deposits - "orange peel" skin, stretch marks.

• Had dark circles and bags under the eyes.

• You notice that the skin began to age, sag, the first wrinkles, folds.

• You are experiencing metabolic or circulatory system.

Dermatoniya - Massage For Health And Beauty

Caution! Do not resort to dermatonii IF:

• you have a disease of the cardiovascular system, severe varicose veins and excessive capillary fragility.

• you tumor formation.

• you suffer from skin diseases.

• you are pregnant. dermatonii Is the one to maintain youth and beauty? As practice shows, the best effect can be achieved through integrated programs, so ideal - dermatonii combination with manual massage, anti-cellulite body wraps, ultrasound therapy, as well as sports activities and proper nutrition.