How To Texture Short Hair

We devote a great deal of material hairstyles for long hair. 

I always say that the addition of texture - is an important component of modern styling. But short hair texture is needed not less. And, maybe more.

Curling shortens hair, short hair is not necessary. A texture - a cool reception to the hair is not hung, and held an interesting shape and volume.
Beach Wave - the most vivid example of how the texture works on the hair: she does not shorten or curls, but strands of hair are lively and interesting. Let's apply the principles of "beach waves "for the classic bob .

Styling tools that you will need: 

- Hairspray 

- Texturizing spray (homemade or purchased)

- Water in a spray bottle
- 15-20 pins

Step 1. Sprinkle hair with water. The hair must not be completely wet spray, light enough moisture.

Step 2. Take a thin strand of hair from the front (above the temple) and screw it into the flagellum in the direction "of the person."

Step 3. Lay the flagellum to the opposite temple. And fix invisible.

Step 4. Repeat step 2 and 3 with the other strands of the upper segment, putting it well, to the opposite and parallel to the first temple.
Step 5. Take a lock of his ear (nizhu first), and screw it into the flagellum "on behalf of" lay-up , fixing invisible.

Step 6. flagellum Do the same with the strands, which will be lower section of step 4.

Step 7. Repeat steps 2-6 with the hair on the opposite side. And create a little more flagella similar to the lower segment of the hair. Dry hair dryer, wait for 15 minutes until they are completely cool.

Step 8. And then remove the clips. 

Step 9. Gently straighten fingers twisted strands. Massage the hair roots to remove the clear distribution of strands.

Step 10. Take a texturizing spray (salt spray), it will complement the texture of the hair. This may be a product from the store. Or you can make your vehicle. Add in a bottle of water sea salt, shower gel, stir and close the lid of the spray. Place hair hands as will wear.

Step 11. Now you need a product like lipstick or styling gel. Take a small amount of cream on your fingers, rub in the palms of your hands and remember the hair.

Step 12.
Secure the hair with hairspray and you're done!