How To Cure Chapped Lips?

With the onset of cold weather, we are increasingly faced with a problem like chapped lips. Sometimes the injury is so severe that we are a few days experiencing the pain and discomfort.

Of course, I want to quickly say goodbye to this deficiency and regain former beauty. Let's look at how to prevent chapping of the lips or if trouble has occurred, how fast to cure our lips.

How To Cure Chapped Lips

How to prevent chapping of lips?

Haley, or inflammation of the lips and the skin around them - quite a common problem that occurs for several reasons. Among them: cold air, wind, dry air, sunshine, allergic reactions to cosmetics, lack of vitamins, bad habits. Knowing these reasons, we can try to prevent cheilitis.

Let's learn the basic recommendations:-


As much as we might wish, but do not change the weather in our power, but to protect lips from sun and wind, we may well. To do this, use the caring balms, which contain vitamins and hyaluronic acid , can also lubricate the lips daily vitamin E capsules.
Winter refuse funds for the lips, which include glycerin, menthol, retinol and alcohol - they are further dried lips. Also during the cold season, do not use persistent lipstick.


Most negative state of our lips affect such habits as smoking, biting and licking her lips. If you quit you can not, then at least give up smoking in the street, especially in windy and cold weather. Control yourself, do not lick your lips, no matter how dry they are, better pick up caring balm.


Cheilitis can be caused by allergies. So try to use cosmetics tested firms.

*An unbalanced diet.

Repeated chapping of the lips can be an overabundance of vitamin A, or a lack of vitamin B2 and calcium . Revise its menu, keeping in mind that calcium rich dairy products such as cheese, and B2 is found in nuts.

First aid for lip chapping

If the trouble still happened, and when he comes home, you find that the weather-beaten lips, inflame and peel, you need to take emergency measures. Treatment should consist of several stages: peeling, softening and moisturizing. First of all, it should be carefully remove flaking and dead skin cells, for this we use one of the following peels:

*Honey peeling.

Coat the skin of the lips thick natural candied honey, gently massage, leave for 15-20 minutes. Again, gently massage the skin of the lips with fingertips and remove the honey with warm water. Repeat peeling daily until the unpleasant symptoms will not disappear entirely. If you have a fresh, more liquid honey, you can mix it with sugar, thereby receiving a great scrub.

*Vaseline peeling.

Gently remove the peeling skin from the lips will help Vaseline . Apply petroleum jelly to the skin of the lips and fingertips do patting massage for 3-4 minutes. Remove residues of petroleum jelly with a damp cloth.

How To Cure Chapped Lips
We now turn to the nutrition and hydration of the lips, in this case, too, there are a number of effective masks:

• Well-proven mask based on vegetable oils, in addition, they are easy to prepare and rich in vitamins. Apply to the lips, slightly warmed olive oil or flax-seed oil . After a few minutes massage the lips, helping residual oil absorb into the skin.

• Remove the pain and inflammation to help mask based on cottage cheese. To do this you need to put on the lips fat cottage cheese (can be diluted with cream) and leave for 15 minutes. After a rinse with water and grease nourishing balm.
• An important step in the treatment of cheilitis and relieve inflammation is moisturizing. Moisturizing mask is very simple: apply on lips aloe juice or grated on a fine grater cucumber. Wash off after 15 minutes with warm water and apply a protective cream or balm.