Scientists have responded to this question, and also gave advice to those who crossed the ideal age limit for getting rid of excess weight.
Ideal age for weight loss
It was found that the weight loss most successfully held from 30 to 35 years. At this time, people tend to keep a good shape and health, so they are actively involved in fitness, watching their diet. As for the people after 35 years, then stepped over that line, they start to give the appearance much less attention. At least, this applies to most people.
However, young people (from 20 to 30 years) also do little to preserve the appearance. This time is marked by unbridled fun and lack of any restrictions. However, the older a person becomes, the more he thinks about the necessary changes in lifestyle. So how many times to 30-32 successfully change their lives and achieve success in losing weight.
82% of respondents said they are going to live a healthy life after 30 years. More than a third of men and women admitted to pollsters that they consider the age from 30 to 35 years for the optimal solution to the problem of excess weight.
Interestingly, in the UK it is 30 years women decide to get a first child. It also has an impact on nutrition, fitness and weight normalization. After all, women are well aware that being overweight is harmful during pregnancy. Afraid of losing a child to lose weight before conceiving a child, seek more than half of women.Also on the desire of the fairer sex to become leaner affects the desire to get married.
Despite the fact that if a woman is considered married fullness, 42% of British women said that after the wedding, they, on the contrary, lose weight easier. They stop eating fast food, start to prepare homemade food and so get rid of extra pounds. Diet and proper nutrition in 30 years - is, according to scientists, saving straw to save the youth, so to speak, the last chance to just change your eating habits and lifestyle .
Age - it's not a death sentence
Their findings are closely related to the results of another study, which was conducted in South Korea. conducted with the participation of 15 thousand people, South Korean scientists have found that being overweight is bad for health.
Overweight - it is always an increased risk of such diseases and adverse changes in health, such as deterioration of the heart, clogging of blood vessels, increasing the pressure.
Therefore, the extra weight should strive to get rid of always - whether you're 20 or 60. study experts from the United States showed that as soon as the process of losing weight, it immediately begins to decrease the risk of disease. It is the current weight of the person determines the risk of various ailments. As for the past, it does not matter.
According to study author Jennifer Dowd, this is great news - especially when you compare obesity to smoking. If we are talking about a smoker, then 20 years of smoking never in vain for health.
As, however, and alcoholism, which destroys the liver. Body has already undergone a negative impact from the effects of which do not get rid of. As for weight loss, everything is completely different.
As soon as you drop a little, the body will immediately feel relieved - normalizes blood pressure, reduce the risk of diabetes, decrease the load on the internal organs and systems. After slimming risk of heart attack or diabetes, you will have no more than the people who are not overweight. So weight loss is always worthy of your efforts!
"Golden" rules for youth and longevity
firstly, to give up cigarettes and alcohol.
Secondly, you need to include in your diet five to seven servings of fruits, vegetables, and fruits. Thirdly, it is important to do fitness every day - at least half an hour to do exercises.
Finally, we need to learn to cope with stress, helped by prayer and meditation, as well as a harmonious sexual life. Be fit and healthy at any age!