Alas, not all nature endowed and beautiful bright color hair, and from gray sooner or later can not escape. But, in addition, because women love to experiment, change the appearance, plus many very important to match the changing fashion of hair color.
But how to create a new way of how to change their image by changing the color of the hair, without damaging them at the same time?
- hair coloring resistant paints, which are based on the active chemical elements.
- coloring hair using natural dyes.
- coloring shading tinting paints.
More recently, the answer was clear - no! Harmless from chemical dyes, could be considered only toners that do not affect the structure of the hair, but they were washed away without a trace.
- coloring shading tinting paints.
Are these methods safe for hair?
And are there any way to be harmless hair coloring ?
Is this possible - to achieve a beautiful, stain resistant without damaging the hair structure?
Resistant Ink
Though in this case, "a great couple" causes considerable damage to the hair so that even the addition of herbal ingredients and vitamins in the paint, the use of reducing balms after painting, can not fully remedy the situation.
Natural Dyes
only alternative to chemical resistant coatings are pure natural dyes - henna and Basma. Yes indeed, henna and Basma well kept, are beneficial to the health of your hair (unless you are hypersensitive), but there are also disadvantages of each! Color range is very limited, and painting them can not be called comfortable.
Time for the procedure need to spend a lot of coloring technique quite uncomfortable - if the paint is liquid, it follows from under the hood, if thick, then paints over bad. Apply the mixture should be divorced quickly, hot, and then hold the hair for a long time (from one hour to three).
there are certain difficulties in painting and other natural dyes , for example, only in the preparation of paint from the walls of the shell and walnut leaves more than two hours.
there are certain difficulties in painting and other natural dyes , for example, only in the preparation of paint from the walls of the shell and walnut leaves more than two hours.
A new generation of paints
in recent years, encouraging changes. One by one, all the leading manufacturers of hair dyes are on the market its new products - ammonia-free color, besides announcing them as sufficient proof, paint over his gray hair , and even strengthens the hair structure.
On the shelves you can see many different colors, labeled "persistent" and "superstoykie", "harmless", etc. From this wealth can seemingly choose proper price and quality paint, with ammonia or without it .... But can you believe the advertising, and is not there a catch? Can proof paint be harmless, and at the expense of any of the chemical elements (if it is not ammonia) penetrates the pigment in the hair structure? Specialists in hairdressing confirm that yes, with the help of modern technology, even hair coloring chemical dyes can be done almost harmless procedure.
There are several options how to dye your hair in the desired color without causing damage to their health:
Option # 1.
Suitable for those who live in large settlements and has enough money, time and desire to afford professional coloring in salons. In principle, any institution of the middle class will make you a mild staining, using such professional lines such as L'Oréal Professionnel, Igora from Schwarzkopf, Color Touch by Wella and others. Specialists in good salon can offer a greater variety of colors and contemporary painting techniques of them, and such advanced as: - procedure "ceramic coloring" (" silk painting ")
- CHI . The technology was invented by an American hairdresser Farouk Shami, CHI abbreviation means "cation-moisturizing relationship," according to this principle, according to the author, interact, and this hair dye. In the ink composition includes CHI Silk cream and ceramic alloy CHI 44 containing 44 inorganic compounds.
- CHI . The technology was invented by an American hairdresser Farouk Shami, CHI abbreviation means "cation-moisturizing relationship," according to this principle, according to the author, interact, and this hair dye. In the ink composition includes CHI Silk cream and ceramic alloy CHI 44 containing 44 inorganic compounds.
Ceramic particles gently lift the scales of the hair, allowing the penetration of the pigment in the hair structure without the rough opening of the cuticle, with a combination of bezammiachnoy paint and silk have on the hair structure a positive effect.
Technology "ceramic coloring" is not easy, and requires high professionalism performer in the final complex manipulations (alignment, lighting, applying pigment), the result is fixed preparation of liquid silk.
- Organic Colour Systems .Professional hair dye is an organic dye, paints a gray hair, provides a clean tone and gorgeous shades, ensures the preservation of a long tone.
- Organic Colour Systems .Professional hair dye is an organic dye, paints a gray hair, provides a clean tone and gorgeous shades, ensures the preservation of a long tone.
In the composition of product lines Organic completely absent harmful substances such as ammonia, resorcinol, sodium chloride, parabens, waxes, and et al.
Though fully avoid chemistry is not possible here. The content of natural ingredients in paints - 89% activators - 84% Air Conditioning - 98%. Agree, the proportions are not bad! Natural components of this line - organic orange extract, aloe vera, chamomile, comfrey and grapefruit, almond oil, jojoba and sunflower.
pity that avail themselves of this paint will not work - to get the claimed result, it is necessary to consider too many factors to take into account the thickness of the hair , and the original color, calculate the exposure time, temperature control, choose a scheme of coloring and dye recipe, choose the desired percentage of oxidant, etc.
Option # 2.
Option # 2.
for those who care about the health of the hair, but does not have recourse to professionals or simply prefers to do things on their own. To reduce the risk of damage to the hair and scalp to a minimum, choose soft semi-permanent color that does not contain ammonia.
This active ingredient in its composition is replaced by another, lighter, and hence less harmful to the structure of the hair, skin, respiratory agents, such as monoethylamine. Pungent odor and burning of the scalp using such paints are not available, and that's good! However, remains available a host of other chemical components, it is important that these soft and paint contained various natural and vitamin supplements that give hair a healthy shine and well-groomed appearance.
According to specialists and customers, the most popular colors are gentle: L'Oreal Casting Gloss, Revlon ColorSilk, Garnier Color Shine . Ideal for coloring hair at home cream from Schwarzkopf Essential Color , it does not contain ammonia and natural ingredients, including extract of organically cultivated white tea extract and exotic fruit lychee, provide gentle care hair.The paint is easy to apply and is distributed, has a pleasant aroma.
And the result is great - keeps a relatively long time, well fills the gray hair, the hair soft, shiny. Besides hair dyes, in which producers completely abandoned ammonia, paint is where this component is present, but in very small quantities.
For example, the hair dye Escalation of Italian Fima Lisap characterized by: a very low content of ammonia - 1-1.5%., the presence in the composition of natural alcohols derived from coconut oil and using as oxidant Occidente Developer, which is based on lanolin alcohol, well protect the hair cuticle.
Provides full coverage of gray hair, efficient lighting, natural and trendy colors. Another option is relatively safe hair dyeing - the use of dyes type of Davines Finest Pigments .
Finest Pigments - coloring system on natural dyes without ammonia, without the activator is applied, allows to apply all the shades in pure form or mixed together or diluted colorless dye to create a unique shade that enhances the color and shine of natural hair color and restores beauty.
In the salons often use direct pigments and dyes sale offer ready. Finest Pigments operates on the principle of toning-Biolaminirovanie - pigment fills irregularities and roughness of the hair, due to this they become smooth, elastic and shiny, thin film, enveloping each hair, locks pigments penetrated from Finest Pigments in the hair, giving them a washed out.
Color is stored is not very long, but 5 -6 pomyvok just survive. Apply this dye is simple: you need to select the right shade, put on clean dry hair, leave in accordance with the instructions (from 5 to 20 min), semulgirovat, adding a little water, rinse thoroughly without shampoo (this is important), apply conditioner.
As you can see, change hair color without prejudice to their health can be, important to find your "gentle" option, and there are plenty to choose!
This active ingredient in its composition is replaced by another, lighter, and hence less harmful to the structure of the hair, skin, respiratory agents, such as monoethylamine. Pungent odor and burning of the scalp using such paints are not available, and that's good! However, remains available a host of other chemical components, it is important that these soft and paint contained various natural and vitamin supplements that give hair a healthy shine and well-groomed appearance.
According to specialists and customers, the most popular colors are gentle: L'Oreal Casting Gloss, Revlon ColorSilk, Garnier Color Shine . Ideal for coloring hair at home cream from Schwarzkopf Essential Color , it does not contain ammonia and natural ingredients, including extract of organically cultivated white tea extract and exotic fruit lychee, provide gentle care hair.The paint is easy to apply and is distributed, has a pleasant aroma.
And the result is great - keeps a relatively long time, well fills the gray hair, the hair soft, shiny. Besides hair dyes, in which producers completely abandoned ammonia, paint is where this component is present, but in very small quantities.
For example, the hair dye Escalation of Italian Fima Lisap characterized by: a very low content of ammonia - 1-1.5%., the presence in the composition of natural alcohols derived from coconut oil and using as oxidant Occidente Developer, which is based on lanolin alcohol, well protect the hair cuticle.
Provides full coverage of gray hair, efficient lighting, natural and trendy colors. Another option is relatively safe hair dyeing - the use of dyes type of Davines Finest Pigments .
Finest Pigments - coloring system on natural dyes without ammonia, without the activator is applied, allows to apply all the shades in pure form or mixed together or diluted colorless dye to create a unique shade that enhances the color and shine of natural hair color and restores beauty.
In the salons often use direct pigments and dyes sale offer ready. Finest Pigments operates on the principle of toning-Biolaminirovanie - pigment fills irregularities and roughness of the hair, due to this they become smooth, elastic and shiny, thin film, enveloping each hair, locks pigments penetrated from Finest Pigments in the hair, giving them a washed out.
Color is stored is not very long, but 5 -6 pomyvok just survive. Apply this dye is simple: you need to select the right shade, put on clean dry hair, leave in accordance with the instructions (from 5 to 20 min), semulgirovat, adding a little water, rinse thoroughly without shampoo (this is important), apply conditioner.
As you can see, change hair color without prejudice to their health can be, important to find your "gentle" option, and there are plenty to choose!