Who would have thought that the cutlery can help in the maintenance of female beauty, youth and health?
Massage spoons - an innovative salon treatment, which can be successfully carried out at home.
That's how women are, that everything that is done in the salon - a priori efficiently, professionally and efficiently. Nevertheless, some domestic procedures, nothing inferior salon activities.
Massage spoons, just one of them! author of the practice of massage is a German beautician Rene Koch.According to him, lozhechnym massage throughout his life enjoyed by his mother, that old age has kept the freshness and youthfulness of the skin , a great complexion and a beautiful shape.
It's not only improved the knowledge acquired from the mother, but also summed up by their scientific basis. After the research, it became clear spoons massage improves blood and lymph circulation, removes excess fluid from the tissues of the body, gives clarity oval face, and makes muscles more elastic.
favorable effect massage spoons and a woman's body. The perennial problem of the beautiful half of humanity - cellulite on thighs and fat rolls around the abdomen successfully solved with the help of this simple method. All you need to start procedures - a couple of tablespoons and a desire to change themselves.
To make it clear how to do massage at home, let's see how it is done in the best salons in Russia. procedure itself is simple, pleasant and relaxing. Exactly what you need after a hard day's work or perform many household chores.
Massage spoons in the cabin
You're lying on the couch, and cosmetologist alternately immerses spoons made in advance of cold and hot oil and holds them on your body. Naturally, this is not done at random, but exactly the massage lines with a view to a decision the desired objectives.
- cellulite massage thighs and buttocks.
Consider the two most popular types of massage
- massage for young and attractive person.
Massage spoons for young and attractive person
After waking up and prepare the necessary hygienic measures capacity with finely crushed ice.Immerse yourself in it for a few seconds and then spoon attach them to the eyelids.
With the help of these manipulations in a couple of minutes you will get rid of morning puffiness and make less noticeable dark "balconies" under the eyes. In the future, this massage promises to improve visual acuity as a massage surface interacts with spoons biotochkami located around the eyes. second stage of the procedure would be the stimulation of a person on the massage lines.
Grease spoon cosmetic oil or nourishing cream and carefully walk on the surface of the face. Pay special attention to the site at the bottom of the eyebrows. If you regularly make circular movements from the eyebrows to the temples, you can get rid of wrinkles .
The next step will be the formation of massage (tightening) of the oval face. Spend spoons several times from point projecting cheekbones to the chin, and then to the base of the neck. Over time, the skin in this area will become more elastic and flexible.
General Motion spoons in this practice - circular. Initially spoon massage the skin surface in a clockwise direction, then - against. During the study area in a clockwise direction you need to act with a little pressure, while the massage is performed counter-clockwise - do it in any case impossible. The reason is simple, such actions may cause the reverse flow of tissue fluid that is unsafe.
Massage spoons against the "orange peel"
So, we proceed to a massage. Let us fat deposits on the stomach. Dip the spoon into the cold oil and drive it in a clockwise direction around the navel, increasing the diameter of the circular motion until until it worked all the problem area. A job well done will help get rid of fat and would be a good influence on the digestive system.
Next step massage actions aimed at elaboration of the thighs and buttocks. Take two spoons, dip them in cold oil and attach to the lower boundary of the buttocks exactly in the center. Massage the area of each buttock in a circular motion from the center to the side and then up.
Next massage spoons inner thigh of each leg, moving from the bottom up, after - outside. Having mastered the practice of massage, repeat all the movements, lubricating chilled spoons anti-cellulite cream.