Voluminous And Light Hair of The Braid in 5 Minutes!

We offer two simple ideas on how to remove hair from the face, and turn them into a spectacular hairstyle.

Making bundles of braids. This will give an interesting texture to hair and styling will be more resistant.

Prepare a thin elastic bands for hair barrettes invisible , hairpins, hairspray. bundle of French braids
Step 1. Begin with texturing hair. Curls and slightly messy hair better keep my hair. So you can curl hair tongs or thermo-curlers waves consolidate varnish, as well as a little backcomb at the roots as needed. Then braid is thick and volume.

Step 2. Easy Braid French braid , secure eraser on the end. Leave nezapletenny tip is no longer than 5 cm. Gently pull the strands of braids to the side to add a pigtail volume. But do not pull strands entirely of gum!

Step 3. Pull the end of the braids up, thread it through the lower segment of the spit, then secure invisible at the base of the spit. If your hair is long enough, then most likely you will need some time to reach the tip of the braids through this braid.

Step 4. Secure the hair with hairspray . Minutes, and stylish hairstyle is ready!

A bundle of Russian braids 
Step 1. Create wavy hair, apply a pre-styling mousse. You can use a texturizing spray, or powder . Secure the upper segment of hair with two invisible.

Step 2. Sprinkle the bottom segment of hair lacquer and create four identical braids (normal Russian netting). Braid to the ends and secure with thin bands. Pull each braid strands in the side to get quite bulky and thick braids.

Step 3. Now remains to form a 4-braids light beam. We start with two central pigtails. Left center lay up and twirl around. And right center lay the same way, only in mirror image. That is, down and around the circle.And then cross over the two outer braids. Secure with pins or invisible. Tips hide inside the beam.

Step 4. Sprinkle hair lacquer strong hold, you get a simple and bulk packing.