Mesodissolution: Losing Weight in no Time And Without The Intervention of a Surgeon

Agree, ladies, most of us secretly dreams to get rid of two or three extra inches around the waist and were missing two or three extra pounds, standing on the scales.

And so that this miracle happened, avoiding costly tickets gym, exhausting body and diet. In this case, arguing that under the surgeon's knife for liposuction, pulls you hardly. But it turns out, there is a loyal salon treatment, which allows for multiple sessions dotted get rid of fat accumulation in the most problematic areas.

And it's name Mesodissolution. What is the principle of its action, which allows to achieve results, who wish to avoid, how much it costs and where carried out: let's deal with.

Mesodissolution: Losing Weight in no Time And Without The Intervention of a Surgeon

Mesodissolution is a fairly deep subcutaneous injection (10-13 mm), a special cocktail that simply destroys the fat cells. Their decay products can no longer be re-absorbed by the cells, and easily removed from the body with the help of our system metabolism. Instead destroyed fat cells after puberty new - in their place are no longer formed. This is our physiology.

However, if after using the slimming effect Mesodissolution not care about their new-found more slender form, the remaining fat cells in the body can begin to grow and increase in the amount of up to 60 times!

Mesodissolution used most often in the area of the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, shoulders and chin. Proved to be excellent this procedure and in the flight against cellulite.

peculiarity mixture Mesodissolution, which is also called Hypoosmolar solution is that it contains a lot of water, and the concentration of dissolved substances is low.

These substances - is zhirorazrushayuschie lipolitiki, analgesic (e.g., lidocaine), caffeine, vitamin C, sometimes guarana extract, artichoke, green tea , L-carnitine, and organic silicon.

After the introduction of Hypoosmolar fluid in body fat problem area according to the laws of physics the water rushes into the fat cells, where the concentration of dissolved substances naturally bigger, and destroys them.

Composition Mesodissolution cocktail for each patient selected individually depending on the age of the customer, the condition of its skin, the individual components of the reaction mixture in zones, which will be performed and the quantity Mesodissolution fat therein.

Similarly, individually set the number of required procedures. For different people, it may range from one or two to ten. Moreover, the interval between them should be 3-4 days. 

Mesodissolution services performed in clinics of aesthetic medicine and beauty salons.The cost of one procedure varies between 100-150 USD In addition, after you Mesodissolution specialist will recommend the procedure of lymphatic drainage (wraps, vacuum massage, ultrasound, manual massage, etc.) to speed up the conclusions from the body of the decay products of fat cells and make your skin smoothness, firmness and elasticity.

As side effects after Mesodissolution some patients recorded nausea, mild weakness, dizziness, swelling, bruising, pain in the area of injections, loss of appetite.However, all these symptoms are temporary and usually do not require medical intervention. 

Instead result! Special Mesodissolution efficacy studies showed that the waist after injection is decreased by an average of 6 cm, hip - 4 cm, and the body fat is 30%. In this case, the result lasts for several years.

most well-known author in the field of studies of the effects Mesodissolution considered director of plastic surgery medical school in Los Angeles, Mr. Stephen Hoflin . His sensational publication date from 1997 and are based on studies that were carried out for several years. Also a large group of patients spent their successful experiments on Mesodissolution French doctors K.Bonne, B.Paskini and Jean-Zh.Peren. 

Thus, the above practices Mesodissolution and further experience with these injections have proven to be effective and safe for the body.

Nevertheless contraindicated Mesodissolution in the following cases:

1. Tender age of 18 years.

2. In all inflammatory processes.

3. Allergic reactions to components of a cocktail.

4. Diabetes mellitus.

5. Skin lesions.

6. With varicose veins.

7. With bleeding disorders.

8. Chronic liver and kidney diseases.

9. During pregnancy.

10. During breast-feeding.

11. Uterine myoma.

Specialists also recommend to refrain from Mesodissolution at the end of the menstrual cycle and a week before the regulator. And on the day itself manipulation is to abandon sports training. 

thus Mesodissolution today rightly recognized as a real alternative to liposuction and the best way to get rid of excess fat without the intervention of the surgeon.

After all, such as cosmetic procedures elektrolipoliz, hardware or ultrasonic massages unlike Mesodissolution affect the number of fat cells can not. And, then, for people with excessive "personal stuff" to get rid of that does not work either with the help of a balanced diet or using physical activity or using the classic salon treatment fails, Mesodissolution can be a real chance to live the life of a slender person.